Multiple Methods of Utilization
Where and Why are Portfolios Used?
Portfolios are used in a wide range of curriculums. And disciplines They are not just for use in composition classrooms. They can be used at any education level to assess a number of different areas. Portfolios can be used as an exit exam for an educational program. Portfolios can also be utilized by companies and offices. Pat Belanoff and Peter Elbow write:
Portfolios are currently being used at all education levels: Kindergarten to graduate to returning adult programs. And they are being used in a variety of contexts: within individual classrooms, across grade levels, and within city and statewide assessment programs. (21)
If portfolio use has become this widespread since 1983 there must be something great about them. Want to find out the advantages, disadvantages, and ways you can implement portfolios in your first year composition classroom? If you answered yes or are simply intrigued click here.